Last updated 2024.03.22
Useful Phone Numbers
Area Codes in Korea
Korea's country code for phone purposes is +82. Cellphone numbers in Korea all start with the digits "010." If calling a Korean number with an area code/mobile code beginning with "0" from outside of Korea, this "0" is usually dropped. For example, when calling the KAEC office domestically you would call 02-3275-4018; internationally, you would call +82-2-3275-4018.
You can access a local telephone directory by calling <local area code> +114. For a list of local area codes in Korea visit
You can access a local telephone directory by calling <local area code> +114. For a list of local area codes in Korea visit
KAEC Staff & Office Numbers (Save in your phone):
- Your program officer's Kakaotalk ID & mobile number
- The KAEC office number: 02-3275-4018 (if calling domestically)
U.S. Embassy
- U.S. Embassy American Citizen Services: 02-397-4114
- For a non-emergency, you can also email American Citizen Services at [email protected].
General Korean Numbers (primarily retrieved from
- Police Department - 112
- Fire Department - 119
- Medical Emergency/Ambulance - 119
- Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) - 1339
- Korea Travel Hotline - 1330
- This is a one-stop helpline run by the Korea Tourism Organization which offers 24/7, multilingual assistance. In order to assist travelers with immigration, safety and medical needs, tourist complaints, and other concerns, 1330 can connect callers to Emergency Services, the Immigration Contact Center, or the Tourist Complaint Center. For more information, click here. You can also download the 1330 app, which allows you to quick connect with the hotline in order to make general or emergency calls. You can additionally use the app to connect via live chat with the hotline.
- Immigration Contact Center - 1345 (09:00-22:00)
- Lost & Found Center - 112
- This is the same as the police department number. There is also a website: